Welcome to nickelulz.xyz. My name is Mufaro, but I go online by a variety of handles: { “nickelulz”, “nickelulzywulzy”, “wulzy”, “μ”, “mμfaro”, “moofy”, “nickelelelelelel”, “nickel”, and sometimes, “Anna Karenina” }.
I’m currently an undergrad at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and I have a variety of interests, so I decided to set up this web page to chronicle all of them.
I’m studying to become a researcher in Computer Science! Check out /cv/ to check my progress on getting there! I love low-level and functional programming, but I’m not too afraid of higher level work (this site being evidence of that). Alongside my CV, any documents that I share on this site for any reason, especially any scientific papers I may publish, will be made available on /papers/.
I would probably kill a man for a research grant, and I want a PhD in Computer Science more than unlimited cigarettes and beer (which I would certainly love), so I’m always open to discuss scientific computing/technology/academia in general over on /λ/.
In my free time, I love all kinds of videogames, music, literature, and film, and I especially love to complain or gush about all of the aforementioned. Take a peek over at /med/ and /vg/ to view such irrelevant ramblings, or alternatively, peek at /per/ to read all of the posts I make that just don’t seem to fit anywhere else on this site.
If you like what you see here, feel free to leave a message on my guestbook on /gb/. If there’s something a bit more private or serious you would like to contact me about, leave an email!
This website is pretty heavily inspired by a number of other people’s work, as I’m not very original and simply prefer to steal ideas/content from other people. I took the menu system and overall vibe from lainchan.org and mixed it with the functional style closer to tom7.org.